Friday, September 15, 2017

How is Your Heater?

Come on, it is only September and you want me to start thinking about my car’s heater?  Okay, then wait until October and freeze your tail off when the first cold snap hits.  While the Royals are still suiting up every day you should be thinking about your level of comfort when you get behind the wheel this fall and winter.

If you start relying on the defrost to warm up your car then you will be driving around in a fog.  That is not safe and it certainly is not comfortable!  Suddenly, short trips to the grocery store, to work, dropping the kids off at school, etc. become mountain-climbing size challenges.  It is about time to address the issue.

If last winter ended with a cranky heater in your vehicle you can be sure that it did not heal itself over the summer.  At your first opportunity, make an appointment with the A-Team.  The mechanics at Able Auto Service will examine and (if necessary) repair your heating system.  Call (913) 321-1030 or drive over to 837 Osage Ave. in Kansas City.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Southside Fall Festival 2017, Sept 15-17th

(Click the link above for more information)

"Since 1988, Activities include game booths, musical entertainment, food, contests. The festival also features a parade, arts and crafts, street dances, and more."

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Strut In and Check Your Shocks.

Shocks and struts…when is it time to have your vehicle checked for new ones?  Have you recently hit one of the Kansas City area’s famous pot holes and afterwards your car continues to shake?  That is a sure sign that your shocks and struts need mending.  Surely you know that this is not only bad for your car, but unsafe for all of your passengers!

Here are some sure signs to look for –

1.  Your ride quality is noticeably poorer
2.  When you brake your car tends to nosedive
3.  The car “leans” to one side or the other
4.  Look around for visible damage such as dents or leaks

With a change of seasons, this is the perfect time to pay close attention to your vehicle’s overall health.  Staying on top of that is your shock and strut expert in Kansas City, Able Auto Service.  You have trusted them for your car’s health and your family’s safety for years.  Call for an appointment at their location…837 Osage Ave. (913) 321-1030.