It may seem like a distant memory right now, but the average
high temperature in the Kansas City area, even in the month of May, is 75
degrees…and you know where it goes from there!
One of the most dangerous places for someone to be during a heat wave is
inside of their car without A/C since temperatures can spike to dangerous
What are some early warning signs that your vehicle’s a/c
needs servicing?
1. The condenser is
blocked. It could even be broken
2. Somewhere along
the line the refrigerant is leaking.
3. There is an
electrical issue which may be difficult to diagnose.
4. The compressor has
gone bad and the refrigerant can’t circulate.
Call the A-Team!
What’s that? The A-Team is Kansas
City’s answer to most every auto repair and maintenance problem. They are officially Able Auto Service located
at 837 Osage Ave. in Kansas City KS. It
may not seem like air conditioning season now, but it will soon. Give Able Auto Service a call at (913)