Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Is your Car’s Radiator Going Bad?

A bad radiator is a sure sign that really bad things are about to happen to your car! Your Kansas City vehicle’s radiator is not invincible; there will come a time when it will fail and need repair…usually around 10 years. Kansas City area auto repair shop Able Auto Service will help you with your faulty radiator.

Here are some of the signs of a failing radiator –


1.  A bright green fluid is coming from beneath your vehicle.

2.  White smoke emanates from your exhaust.

3.  The coolant level is low.

4.  A sure sign is the temperature gauge inside of the cabin.

Able Auto Service of Kansas City has been repairing and replacing radiators for over four decades. You can count on them for every type of auto repair. Just call (913) 321-1030 for an appointment at Able Auto Service located at 837 Osage Ave. in Kansas City KS. See their many auto repair services on the web at ableautoservice.net.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Staying Warm in the Winter.

Sure, you bundle up and make sure that you don’t go out in a Kansas City winter not properly attired. That is a given. How much care are you giving to your vehicle so that it is warm and cozy inside when you drive from point A to point B? The A-Team at Able Auto Service of Kansas City wants to help you this winter and for many beyond.

Some signs that your heater is wearing out are –

1.  Leaking coolant.

2.  Cold air envelops the cabin.

3.  A fog develops inside of your car.

4.  There is an unusual sweet smell in the cabin area.

You probably sense it already. Your car’s heating system needs to be repaired. The pros at vehicle heater repair are found at 837 Osage Ave. in Kansas City KS. Make an appointment at Able Auto Service by calling (913) 321-1030. Wanna see all of their car care expertise? Visit ableautoservice.net.