Monday, November 30, 2020

What You Should Know about Your Car’s Radiator.

While this is not a very exciting topic you might be surprised to know that your vehicle’s radiator is relatively easy to maintain. Here are some of the “nuts and bolts.” When your engine is running, the pistons are moving up and down between 1500rpm when it is idling to 8000rpm at its max!  This creates a great deal of heat and friction.

Here are some of the causes of radiator overheating –


1.  A low level of antifreeze.

2.  Any debris that has clogged the unit.

3.  What material is your heat exchanger made of?

4.  It could be as simple as a malfunctioning radiator cap.

Any and all of these things could cause your car to become a 2500 lb. paperweight! To fix radiator problems in the Kansas City area always count on The A-Team. That is the team of professional mechanics who work their magic at Able Auto Service. Find out more by visiting then call for an appointment for KC area radiator repair at (913) 321-1030.

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